My story is short really. When I was in the 7th grade, i kept checking out other girls in class and in the locker room. Then, i was so ignorant it wasn't even funny. I was just learning what gay was. I had no idea there was a such thing as bi, so i thought there was something seriously wrong with me since i also checked out the guys. I got scared and kept it hidden as well as i could for years. I started noticing it a lot more in the 9th grade, and i was still ignorant, but not as much. I knew girls could be lesbains by then, still had no idea about bi. I moved to Cape Cod after that, my sophomore year and met a very pretty bi girl. She was gorgeous. She told me what bi is when she told me she is bi. I start wondering that maybe that's me too. I thought about and thought about, still confused and scared but a little bit wiser. Finally, i decided to admit it. I finally decided to admit that I'm bi in november, 2001, during my juinor year in high school. Just recently, i decided it was time to tell my folks. My mom is totally cool with it, she's the best. My dad is different story. When I tried telling him last November, he wouldn't believe me and told me to my face that it wasn't possible. I backed off and told him I was joking. (why the f--- would i joke about something like that?) Mom is gonna help me and right now I couldn't be happier. I have great friends, who are all proud of me for coming out to my parents (finally). Well, that's all, that's my story.